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  1. PizzaOnTheRoof

    The Scariest Truth About Success (video)

    Biggest takeaways for me: You KNOW what you need to do next. You don't need motivation, you need to take consistent ACTION. Time will go by very, very fast. One day you will wake up 70 years old, your life having past you by unless you make it worth living. Once you have a taste of success, you...
  2. A

    As a blogger how do you motivate yourself?

    For the last couple of days, I'm feeling demotivated, as my traffic to the blog has decreased no significant income is being generated. I don't know how to keep myself motivated in this matter. I am losing faith.
  3. M

    At Seventeen...

    At Seventeen years young, the dream of fianancial freedom stays in my mind. I plan to show the slowlane people in my life that it doesn’t require luck, being famous, being good at sports, or 10 years in college to build wealth. I’m tired of trading my life to have a life. I don’t plan on...
  4. J

    Hell Week mates

    Hello everyone! I`m Julia, striving for excellence is in my blood, so I wanna improve myself by means of "Hell Week" that was introduced by Erik Larssen. I waana find mates with which we would help to control, motivate each other, share advices and results, make reports on Instagram, etc. I...
  5. Brett Beckwith

    Staying Motivated

    One part of The Millionaire Fastlane was explaining to find your passion; why are you doing this? Why do you want to be successful? Finding a reason may be difficult or easy. However, staying motivated throughout the whole process is even more challenging for some people. What do you do to...
  6. go giver

    hate school after reading unscripted

    school just reopened today but it feels like a waste of my time. I don't know why I feel like this. I hate every minute in my school. after reading TMF and unscripted it feels like the education system is completely wrong. it looks like it is the perfect guide to slowlane. the worst thing is...
  7. Drive2Riches

    I am in a better spot now - after reading TMF in '14

    I knew things were going to change after reading the book. But I still don't feel like it's going fast enough for me. However, I've been working my tail off and, if I allow myself to remember how shitty it was -- collections agencies, state aid, borrowing/getting money from family, gf paying...
  8. Kepler

    This is for anyone who feels lost or doubtful in their journey

    Hi ya'll I know i'm not killing it out there like some of you are, but today I realized something that really got my A$$ in motion and really pulled me out of my rut. This is to the little things, that when stacked on top of each-other build great things. So I have been doing facebook ads...
  9. E


    I have one question for you: How does a baby go from crawling to walking? The answer is through change. If there is one thing that I want you to remember, it’s that change is a process. Do me a favor and put one finger in your ear. Really. Put one finger in your ear. Now say out loud, “CHANGE...
  10. Alan Spicer

    Motivation & Does The Early Bird Catch The Worm?

    Last year I got up every day for 40+ days at 6am, went to the Gym and started my day off with 1ish hours working out. I found the hour to myself and my own thoughts really helped set me up for the day but after a bout of digestive problems I fell out of the pattern and its been hard to start...
  11. Alan Spicer

    Why YOU Are Not Growing On YouTube

    I get asked this over and over and over again by friends, my comment section and my clients. WHY AM I NOT GROWING ON YOUTUBE? But then you look at their channel and they are just not being the basics right. Its like a blind spot and sometimes I feel that direct brutal honesty can help shake...
  12. Jello

    Meaning and purpose

    Been a few weeks since i posted or commented on something. It's not because i was just a drive by poster looking to get rich quickly, didn't find a way on the forum and went to the next whatever blog or maybe a guru. Also it wasn't because my surrounding lured me back to a scripted life. To be...
  13. Alan Spicer

    STOP Focusing On Numbers - How To Grow On YouTube - #RANT

    EDIT - I apologise. This post doesn't seem to have come across as I had hoped. Yes I have web development company and yes I offer coaching services BUT I am not here to sell those, I am here to help and learn. I am happy to remove/change anything you may feel is "spammy" - I am not a "guru" - I...
  14. Stuffing

    How can I change my environment?

    I will try to keep it simple and to the point. I had to read TMF twice to really understand some things and I have learned so much in so little time. I've gone through quite a bit and I swear i'm ready to start living, I have everything I need, but I still hesitate. I think what's holding me...
  15. Torty Emmanuel

    CXGuards: How to indirectly influence the CryptoExchanges for good

    Hi, I am Emmanuel, a software developer and cryptotrader. I have been interested in cryptocurrencies for nearly a year now but started trading early this year. I have just launched my new website www.cxguards.com to contribute positively to the community. I feel I should share my story here to...
  16. Torty Emmanuel

    CXGuards.com: a community of CryptoTraders helping each other succeed

    Hi, I am Emmanuel, a software developer and cryptotrader. I have been interested in cryptocurrencies for nearly a year now but started trading early this year. I have just launched my new website www.cxguards.com to contribute positively to the community. I feel I should share my story here to...
  17. B. Cole

    Motivational - Rich Piana hitting hard on mindset.

    Video I stumbled across as a tribute to Rich Piana. He was crazy, unconventional and controversial. But doesn't it take some of that to be successful? I came across him during a weight loss/body building journey last year. Sadly, he passed away soon after I started following him. This video hit...
  18. Galaxy16

    Failure can also motivate.

    Not just my own momentary failure motivates me to crush it better next time. Also my father's slowlane story. My father has enough money to live. But just for a few useful mobile phone accessories, summing up to a few dozens of Euros, such as USB cables, chargers, cable adapters, OTG adapters...
  19. TonyStark

    Steve Harvey - How to Make a Million Dollars [video]

    So I know the math in the video is a little wrong, I think he just wasn't clear enough.... TL;DW: Take what you can do for $10, and do that 10 times. Take that $100, and do what you did to get that $100, ten times. Take that $1000, and do what you did to get $1000, ten times. Then...
  20. windchaser

    The importance of being true to yourself (and the power of choice)

    I would like to share with you my journey to the biggest lesson I have learnt during one of the darkest but most transformative phases of my life. It is what has finally enabled me to commit to the fastlane for good: no more excuses, no more fear. A little bit of context: My parents are quite...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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