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  1. Vermilion

    My Future Lifestyle

    Hi everyone, and @MJ DeMarco for giving us your books that thought us all some valuable lessons. I found this forum couple of days ago and already red dozens of GOLD threads and what not. I was amazed by all hustle that is shown in here by all these people. Props to u all. Now...I am 25 right...
  2. juggler619

    That’s how a superhero learns to fly

    Dedicated to all those grinding on weekends,where maybe your roommate,friends & colleagues are out parting and getting drunk, may be everyone's given up on you. Whilst you are in the "PROCESS" of building value voucher,hustling, no giving up,learning from failures,acting-> learning-> adjusting ...
  3. GPM

    Adding More Zero’s – Journey to Market Disruption and Building Generational Change

    I have been humming and hawing about making this post for a while. In the end I decided that it would be more of a benefit to me to go ahead with it. This is a way for me to compile what I am doing in a way that should keep my a$$ in gear, and moving forward. I promise that future updates will...
  4. arfadugus

    You don't need motivation, you need discipline.

    I’m writing about cheese. Just keep writing and something will appear. I’m too tired to think clearly. When will the fog lift? Maybe in a few hours? This brain is finnicky and unreliable. Makes me wanna just simmalate into a robot already. Imagine a perfect robot mind. It’d be like taking some...
  5. Jurad

    Crashed again... unmotivated...

    I left my job over a year ago to focus on my new project that was getting to the point where it would interfere with my job. I have since spent more time taking advantage of my freedom than i have focused on my "passion" that I left my job for. I came back here to get re-energized and...
  6. Lunarfoxel

    One Month, One Hundred People

    I don't even know where to begin. One month ago, I was trying to figure out a way to start providing massive value for many people. To give freely and make the world a little bit better for them, somehow there had to be a way (if you haven't read The Go-Giver yet, you should, I highly recommend...
  7. Spicymemer45

    A Minor Fuc! up

    I've been away awhile. Bad idea. I moved out of my parent's house for a few months, dropped out of college, started working in a factory full time, let Upwork jobs slide by, and almost squandered my savings. A minor F*ck up. But it has taught me one valuable lesson. DIRECTION + FOCUS...
  8. H

    Let me show you what Fastlane Motivation looks like.

    Yes, that is my bank account as of 12/10/2017 3:02AM. If this doesn't motivate you enough. Let me give you a little peek into the rabbit hole of an average Americans bank account and how cheap the system is. Right now, I'm currently in Fastlane Transition from the Sidewalk. But what you are...
  9. A

    Is a lack of motivation selfish? A fear? Or a sign that you just don't care? (Part 1)

    Is a lack of motivation selfish? A fear? Or a sign that you just don't care? Part 1: Releasing the Fears that Hold You Back from Success For the past few years of my life, I've been Deconstructing Motivation and trying to turn it into a formula that I could install on myself and other people...
  10. jon.a

    How The Marines Teach Motivation

    View: https://www.facebook.com/businessinsider/videos/896303207234703/
  11. Anuj Raman

    You will stop looking for MOTIVATION after reading this.

    Go to Youtube, type in the keyword “motivation”. You’ll get approximately 13 million results. In 2006, research firm Marketdata estimated the "self-improvement" market in the U.S. as worth more than $9 billion—including infomercials, mail-order catalogs, holistic institutes, books, audio...
  12. Blaise84

    Do This When You Don't Feel like Executing Your Process (3 Motivational Methods)

    There are days when putting work in is the last thing I want to do. I assume we've all been there. I think this is especially prevalent during the desert of desertion phase. This is the phase MJ describes as the season when you're building a product/asset, but have little or no market feedback...
  13. Scot

    The Desert of Desertion is real... and I'm in it.

    A few of you have messaged me through various means, checking up on me, the status of my business and just to chat. Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been around a lot lately. Why? I'm stuck in the Desert of Desertion. I've been putting off writing this thread for a while, for...
  14. H

    The HMNZ Project

    Hey guys, I've started a new project called 'HMNZ: humanize. life' where I humanize the world's most successful people by diving into their lives and looking into their setbacks en route to their success. This is all in an effort to make the rest of us realize that we too can achieve our...
  15. 100k

    What It Takes To Build a Real Business

    Came across another great video by the lawn care millionaire. In this one, he shares his ups & downs, trials & tribulations and what he had to go through in order to become a successful business owner. You'll want to check this out. Take away; it will be tough, it will be frustrating, it...
  16. "Greatness" the only thing that matters - Eric Thomas

    "Greatness" the only thing that matters - Eric Thomas

    You have to see one of the best Motivational videos by Eric Thomas.
  17. RayAndré

    To the Slowlaners from a Slowlaner...we CAN do this.

    If there's anything I learned over the past two years its that you can do anything you put your mind to. For those of us that still haven't merged into the Fastlane yet, all we have to do is get started and trust the words of those who have done it before. Getting in shape, and I mean really...
  18. GPM

    No Matter How Much You Hate Your Job, Keep Your Ears Open!!!

    Two points to this thread: Point one: always keep your ears open every time there is a complaint about something Point two: always be nice and/or respectful to your colleagues AND competition, roles might be reversed one day So I hated my job. Hated hated hated it. I worked on a rotational...
  19. A

    Character Traits of a Successful Fastlaner

    After being on this forum for six years, building my own business, and helping many newer forum members get started in building their businesses; I started to see a lot of common patterns between what makes some of us successful while other ones say they want to build a business; but they never...
  20. W

    Living with no regrets vs. Living with regrets

    “Here’s the thing: If we have goals, dreams, and we want to do our best, and if we love people and don't want to hurt them or lose them… we should feel pain when things go wrong. The point isn't to live without any regrets, the point is to not hate ourselves for having them… …regret doesn't...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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