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  1. Terry Jensen

    Never too sophisticated for an ice cold Coors Light...

    How's it going? My name is Terry Jensen, it's a pleasure to fraternize. I am a married, 40-something-year-old man with 2 teenage boys (1 in college, 1 in high school at the time of this post). I am a business owner, marketer, and long time basketball coach who is always up for a business-based...
  2. A

    Want to vs. Have to

    While driving through St. Louis towards Colorado, I was listening to Ryan Holiday's latest book: Perennial Seller: The Art of Making and Marketing Work that Lasts. He said something that really stood out to me when it comes to aspiring authors. "Everybody wants to have a book, but almost...
  3. Patrick R

    Show Some Heart

    **Disclaimer*** It has been a rough few weeks of meeting countless high schoolers (the future of our world) that are completely accepting of a less than successful life. Kids that have given up and have no desire to try again because of one little bump in the road. As my frustrations built I...
  4. jick5555

    Adult Entertainment Website

    This thread will be my first progression thread on my first proper idea, any criticism is greatly encouraged and will be professionally consumed, tips such as book recommendations would also be massively appreciated. Idea: To create an Adult Entertainment Website that will greatly increase the...
  5. J

    Demotivated because of the location

    Hey Everyone , I just finished reading the Fastlane Millionaire and I am quite amazed with it , it totally changed my mindset about how I look at my work and made me understand I can never achieve my dreams with my current work.I am 23 years old working as an Investment banker in Istanbul, but I...
  6. M

    USA. Do you want to be part of a fastlane shared accommodation?.

    Are you looking for ways to reduce accommodation costs? Are you looking for partners to motivate you to exercise, to work on your business, to study, to eat healthier? Are you looking for people to have fun with? Are you looking for an environment where fast lane thinking is encouraged and slow...
  7. classichouse

    Very tired. After succesful exit no more motivation.

    Hi guys, Is there something more then money? After a succesfull exit with some cash und real estate, life ist just simple. I went every day to the pool and swim an hour for my health, eat the things i like, went on holidays to the beach and enjoy every single minute. A minute, a hour, a day of...
  8. Millenial_Kid5K1

    66 Days to Success

    About a week ago I was stuck in a car for 12 hours, and ended up reading Elon Musk's biography. I was really struck by his work habits when he was building his first business, Zip2. Apparently he would sleep next to his desk, and work from the time he woke up until the time he went to bed. Now...
  9. businessbaybee

    Finding motivation when you have a 9-5

    Hey everyone, I just joined this forum yesterday. Anyway, I am having major motivation issues. I work a 9-5 and when I should be working (like right now), I am constantly thinking about my business and what I can do to improve. The thing is when I get home, I literally have no energy left, so...
  10. R

    Miami Beach Living and Loving LIFE!!!

    Hello my name is Ron. I joined this forum to network and meet amazing people. I am a writer and I am in the middle of writing my first book. I have my own blog and I also guest blog. I am primarily into inspiring and motivating. EDIT: Link removed by mod. Please read the forum rules.
  11. cutthroughstatic

    My Business Just had it's Worst Month on Record. Why this is the Best Thing that's Ever Happened.

    This is from a post I wrote today for my personal blog. If no one minds, I will link to the actual post later. But for now I'll just copy and paste the text. I'm pretty long winded when I write, and generally lack the ability to even summarize well enough for an accurate TL;DR. So for you people...
  12. F

    What motivates you ?

    ..... Because I'm not certain what motivates me ! The common feedback I get is that this is a problem but I still persist in my projects so I guess the real problem is that 'I can't articulate what motivates me' rather than 'I'm not motivated'. It would be good to actually pin it down just so...
  13. Rickchise23

    The Best 10 Minutes of Your Life In Bed

    Growing up I was always taught to be polite, have manners and fit in. Being timid and passive was prized over bold and outlandish. This carried over into my early professional life and as a young man I found only moderate success as a professional, but passive real estate agent. I found myself...
  14. Greg R

    Unscripted Motivation- Poking the Piñata.

    "Poking the piñata" was a concept in Unscripted that really resonated with me. If you think about it, it is a really good metaphor. The piñata is the market. Full of money. Waiting to be smacked wide open. We try and try (poke) to open it up, but it doesn't break. Unfortunately many of us give...
  15. MainlyMotivation

    Motivating the World

    Hey guys, I am building a website to help people understand how powerful a tool motivation is. I will be updating the website EVERY SINGLE DAY. My end goal is to turn it into an authority website. I would like it to be a go to website for anyone who needs help getting motivated in life. If...
  16. MainlyMotivation

    Value of motivation

    Hey guys, I have been looking into starting a business for years and have kept putting it off. Taking on a business is a massive step and requires a ton of hard work and dedication. I realized that in past businesses I didn't have the motivation to work on a business daily. This year I have...
  17. Marco Cuevas

    A Veteran on a Civilian Mission

    I left active duty in 2007, but remained a Reservist until 2015. I will always cherish my time serving my country. The values have remained and I strive to continuously give back - which is the biggest reason I work in the non-profit industry at the moment! I fell to consumerism when I was...
  18. happycoder

    Craft A New Life For Yourself (An FTE Tale)

    You roll out of your car in haste, grabbing your lanyard. You walk to the office building, and swipe it against the door card reader to clock in. You say pleasant "mornings" to the other worker drones with a half-baked smile on your face. Today is yet another Monday. You do genuinely care...
  19. A

    I'm sorry, but this is going to be painful for a lot of you...

    I'm not sure if you're ready for what I'm about to ask you to do. It's going to be painful, you're most likely going to cry, and it's going to suck at first. But I can promise you that things are going to be a thousand times more painful in 5 or 10 years if you don't do what I'm asking you to...
  20. M

    Previous $5M Successful business. Feeling it's not enough.

    Hi guys, I'm writing this post because I've been struggling with what to do for some time now. From 2007-2012, I worked with affiliate marketing and earned a total of $5M in revenue, but couldn't sell my business because of the nature of affiliate marketing. I still receive about $20K per month...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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