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  1. richstone.io

    22 Pomodoros and the Power of Intrinsic Motivation

    When I woke up this morning, I thought "shit, how you gonna manage that, you have two days left". So, I finished the task at hand by giving throwing 22 pomodoros at it. Not that I haven't worked long hours before, but this time it was probably the best mix of flow and work done. 22 Pomidora by...
  2. Jessie Blight

    Maybe I’m a dumbass?

    Hi Everyone I thought I would write a little introduction and maybe get some feedback. I’m a 19year old Housekeeper. I’ve read The Fastlane Millionaire and just about to start reading Unscripted. I’m having trouble finding a way to provide value into people’s lives. I have been helping a lot of...
  3. Seth G.

    Discipline - The Reason You Might Fail

    Being a full-time entrepreneur - at least starting out as I am - is at once one of the most glorious and most challenging things I've ever experienced. Hopefully, this will get you reflecting/thinking/considering your own climb. What's Glorious About It? Not needing to wake up to make a...
  4. Telamon25346

    The reason I don't like Think and Grow Rich...

    I wrote a lot of this already in this thread: Why does everyone love Think and Grow Rich !Disclaimer: I am by no means a conspiracy theorist, and I'm not trying to discourage anyone from reading think and grow rich. it's an honest and good book, but I thought I might as well make this post as...
  5. harp1600

    Will smoking weed make me lazy/hurt my (good) mindset?

    My business partner (also friend) and I are skeptical about trying marijuana for the first time this upcoming weekend. We are considering trying it because we've been grinding for weeks now on our online business and we want to take a small break to enjoy our youth and experiment with something...
  6. Jeff Noel

    Does your daily life respect the CENTS commandments ?

    Control Do you do what you really want during the day ? Do you always fall back to the cheap routine, with reality escapes like television, video games and other things that help you delay your execution plan ? Do you fall asleep at night wondering if you even did one useful thing in the day ...
  7. G

    My F@#k This Moment(s).

    So tomorrow is one my close family members funeral. And so I work currently for a contract i.t. position. And I just found out today that I DO NOT have PTO for a funeral in my family. So basically I gotta work not just because of that but because I have to save money for an apartment I'm moving...
  8. S

    Goal-Setting Hangups I need Help figuring out...

    Hi All, Two-Part Question on Goal Setting, i.e. Micro-Goals: Part One: A lot of times, projects I am working on can come down to waiting for a follow up E-mail or Call in order to proceed with the next steps forward, which may be Set of Steps "A" or Set of Steps "B", depending on the...
  9. EatMan

    I haven't had my FTE, what should I do?

    In the book Unscripted, MJ DeMarco talked about a "F*ck This Event" (FTE) in which clarity hits you like a truck, and you're motivated to change and take action regardless of fear or social norms. I've never had this type of event, and maybe because of this, I'm having a real difficult time...
  10. K

    Need some directions on starting my journey

    How do you deal with starting businesses when you are an introvert? I dread meeting people and right now I am in a job where I can pretty much do anything I want. I work on my own in my office, but it's not a permanent position. I am a post-doc and my team is located somewhere else in the...
  11. Castillo

    Keeping the FIRE

    I know everyone has motivation problems at times. I've noticed I go from completely unmotivated, to days like today where I feel I have this burning desire to get shit done. I want to keep this fire, but I just don't know how. I even went to the summit last year, but I feel like all my fire...
  12. RazorCut

    Short One Liner That Had A Strong Impact On You

    Sometimes you read something and it has a direct, instant impact on you. It's like when you hear a certain song for the first time and you feel the hairs stand up on the back of your neck and you start rubbing your arms as you have goose bumps. You know, that strange connection that creates...
  13. Seth G.

    Fastlane Fury Collaborative Playlist

    Hey Fastlaners, I've created a collaborative Spotify playlist titled "Fastlane Fury". Fastlane Fury, a playlist by Seth Martin on Spotify Anyone on this forum is welcome to add whatever songs they'd like to it. Just don't delete other people's songs if you don't like them. Hit the skip...
  14. Tobore

    Why is it that I can passionately work for clients or employers but never myself

    I've been plagued by this for as long as I can remember. I've noticed over time that whenever I take on a client's project or work a JOB, I give it my all...and possibly get into states people call "flow". But this is never the case on a personal "Fastlane" project. I find that I'm detached to...
  15. F Wings

    Growing Strong!

    Growing Strong! Those are House Martel words for all the non Game of Thrones nerds. Olenna Tyrell: "Growing strong." Ha! The dullest words of any house. "Winter is coming!" Now that's memorable. "We do not sow." Strong. Strong. Those are houses you watch out for. Direwolves and krakens, fierce...
  16. MakeItHappen

    Motivate Yourself & Defeat Procrastination

    Hey guys, I came across the below image and found it to be useful to harness my motivation at times of low motivation. It's super easy to use. 1. Notice when you are not motivated 2. Look @ the image and choose 1-2 of the options to get motivated again Maybe you find it to be valuable as well...
  17. Singularity73

    How do I stay motivated at university?

    Hey everyone, I'm 20 years old in my second year of university and I really don't like it, just the learning method sucks. I'm a programmer and I love building things, not sitting in a lecture theater listening to a professor talk through the same slides he's used for 10 years. Absorbing as much...
  18. R

    Motivation-she lost her arm, graduated as a nurse, and play violin

    she lost her arm, graduated as a nurse, and played the violin. Attraction of Manami Ito As a one-armed nurse and a paralympian swimmer, her indomitable spirit captured many audiences. We can't help but to share this inspiring video with everyone. Everyone faces difficulties and obstacles...
  19. Geekour

    There is nothing in the desert and no man needs nothing

    Hey there Fastlaner (or soon to be one). Yes you. I have a message for you should you care to hear it. No matter where you are in the world, you are zooming past everyone and everything in your life. Everything from your everyday choices, decisions, business, and those dear to you. Not paying...
  20. G

    Entrepreneurial Baby

    Just started a motivational Youtube channel, hope the content can help someone on their journey to greatness!

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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