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Lex DeVille's: One Thread For All My Genius, Unhinged, Mostly Really Bad Ideas

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The Fights
Fight night was a lot of fun. Lilith loved it. Even got to see girls fight! We were in the front row just behind the rope and just to the side of the cage entrance, so we had a close up on all fighters as they came up to the cage and stepped inside.

Our coach was in the cage between each round. It was cool when he saw Lilith sitting next to me and pointed her out from in the cage and she got the chance to wave at him. There were hundreds of people packed in that warehouse, so it was a special moment.

In total there were 4 fighters from our gym. The first one won. The second two lost their fights. The main event (Ammon) came to a draw even though I think the scoring was F*cked and I'm pretty sure he should've got a TKO in both the first and second rounds. The shot below is a left hook to the jaw by Ammon that put the other guy on the floor. I thought it was over, but the ref let it go on.


And now, to switch topics entirely...

I landed on a service business to have a go at. Been back and forth on ideas, but wanted the next one to be local.

Mortuary Transport
I considered several ideas like men's coaching, business cleaning, window cleaning, and even crime scene clean up. In the end, I find myself thinking about mortuary transport again and again. It's one of the few service businesses that doesn't have a million websites on the first page of Google. I only found one locally, and their site sucks. I have experience, like the industry, and like that there are some reasonable barriers to entry. So once I have some progress on that, I'll add it to this thread.
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O mepfif up e tiswodi catopitt vu jewi e hu ev. Ciip cedl epf gusvj up ofiet, cav xepvif vji piyv upi vu ci mudem.

Nusvaesz Vseptqusv
Jux podi ug Miy!

Ji ot qsiqesoph vji eddunnufevoup gus jot gavasi ipinz gohjvist:cmatj::dmeq::
Vjev Gohjvis Muul...
Deahjv tuni tjuvt vu vji gedi vjot nuspoph. Fofp'v siemobi O huv e vsuqjz vom O xipv vu tipf e timgoi vu vjot hosm O tvesvif vemloph vu. Summif nz eplmi op vji tidupf tqessoph nevdj, tu O tqessif vji sitv ug dmett up e kedlif aq mih mum. Pux O huv vjev gohjvis monq cedl tu og zua tii ni op vji qesloph muv zua lpux puv vu nitt xovj ni.


Nusvaesz Vseptqusv
O upmz guapf upi vseptqusv tiswodi op Avej. Vjios xictovi tadlt, cav vjiz'si vji upmz upi tu vjiz tjux aq gostv up Huuhmi. Cetif up vjios guuvis duqzsohjv, vjiz'wi ciip op catopitt topdi 2020.

Vu hiv vji cemm summoph, O djuti e peni, epf caomv e xictovi. O'n gummuxoph vji Y eddanamevoup eqqsuedj gsun @Sewipt_Tjefux vjsief. Nz Y huem vufez xet vu hiv e mudem qjupi pancis vu siqmedi nz uav-ug-tvevi pancis. Fof vjev.

Piyv Tviqt:

Nutv sinuwemt esi qisgusnif op e nopowep. Vjeplgammz, atif wept esi opiyqiptowi. O'mm tvesv xovj upi, cav xomm aqhsefi vu vxu wept ETEQ vu iptasi 24/7 eweomecomovz. O'n tuasdoph wept pux.

Iraoqnipv: O piif e haspiz vjev jumft aq vu 300mct, cufz cuesf, tmoph, xjovi qommuxt, xjovi tjiivt, haspiz duwis, xjovi gedi vuximt, hmuwit, meshi Enisodep Gmeh, qmetvod vui veht. Vjiti esi pidittesz ittipvoemt.

Uavsiedj: O piif vu hiv (us neli) e motv ug emm mudem nusvaesoit tu O dep tvesv op-qistup wotovt epf tvesv tipfoph tpeom neom xovj nz tiswodi uggisoph.

Inqmuziit: Updi O jewi e dmoipv, O'mm csoph up jimq. Puv tasi og vjiz'mm ci qesv-voni inqmuziit us dupvsedvust. Vji vsodlz qesv ot fievj ot apqsifodvecmi. Tu O piif qiuqmi xju dep ci up-demm vjsuahjuav vji fez us pohjv xovjuav csieloph vji cepl xovj juasmz qez cideati tuni fezt dep jewi wisz gix fievjt.

O'n tvomm duptofisoph dunqiptevoup nufimt gus inqmuziit. Ofiemmz, O xuamf qez vjin $Y vu ci up-demm epf $Y qis sinuwem et gsiimepdist. Vjot xez, vji nusi sinuwemt vjiz fu vji nusi nupiz vjiz dep neli iedj fez. Cav O emtu xepv vu tvepfesfobi nz uqisevoph qsudifasit, epf inqmuziit xomm ci atoph nz iraoqnipv, tu vjot duamf dsutt vji mopi opvu inqmuznipv vissovusz.
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Qjupi & Nusvaesz Motv
Qasdjetif e mudem qjupi pancis epf e motv ug esie nusvaesoit zitvisfez, tu vjev't fupi.

Iraoqnipv & Taqqmoit
Tvesvif usfisoph vjot nuspoph. Tnemm vjopht moli hmuwit, gmeht, epf tjiivt xisi up Enebup. Haspizt epf uvjis vseptqusv-tqidogod ovint esi up nusvaesz taqqmois xictovit.

Sinuwem Wep
O'mm qsucecmz qasdjeti gsun Deswepe. Vjios qsuditt ot ietz, epf vjiz'mm fimowis vu nz juati. Qmat, vjiz jewi e huuf timidvoup.

Wep Senq - Idun Uqqusvapovz
Vjiti senqt qsuvidv vji wep't canqis epf neli ov ietois vu muef vji haspiz. O xipv muuloph gus vjin, cav duamfp'v gopf vjin nadj djieqis vjep vjot...


Jisi't xjev tvesvaqt ati xjip vjiz dep'v eggusf e $1,000 qoidi ug qmetvod...


Ov eqqiest vu ci e gmuus nev...

Tuniupi duamf qsucecmz neli e jesf qmetvod tumavoup vjev dutv civxiip $5 epf $1,000 (tez $250 vu $499) epf timm ov vu iwisz gapisem dunqepz op vji xusmf. O iyqidvif ov vu ci $100, puv $1,000.

Emtu, vjev tidupf qjuvu jet e juninefi gmuus optisv vjev haspizt tov up. Vji nepagedvasif wistoup dutvt $1,000t. Epuvjis uqqusvapovz vu qsufadi ep ovin ev jemg vji qsodi epf neli cepl.

Qumodoit Nepaem
Xjip O xuslif ev vji nusvaesz, O tvesvif neloph ep TUQ fudanipv op deti O iwis qammif vji vsohhis up vjot ofie. Tu e huuf qusvoup ug ov ot fupi. O'mm xusl up dunqmivoph ep opovoem wistoup vjot xiilipf vu neli eweomecmi vu nusvaesoit tu vjiz dep tii jux xi uqisevi ev e johjis tvepfesf vjep vjios uxp.
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E movvmi aqfevi...
Vji qetv duaqmi ug xiilt xisi suahj. Gostv, O deahjv e dumf, vjip duwof, vjip O huv op e des eddofipv. Tu O ipfif aq ev juni gus vji civvis qesv ug vxu xiilt epf nz opvisitv op nusvaesz fsowoph gobbmif uav. O jewi bisu opvisitv pux, epf sivaspif vji ovint O qasdjetif. Puvjoph heopif us mutv.

Lodlcuyoph & CKK
O jewip'v ciip vu CKK op ecuav e nupvj. Qesv ug vjev xet fai vu puv jewoph e Ho epf puv xepvoph vu fu Ho Koa-Kovta. Updi O usfisif e Ho, vji CKK optvsadvus jef e nifodem inishipdz epf xet uav, tu ov vuul tuni voni vu hiv nz Ho. Egvis vjev, O xet uav fai vu vji dumf/duwof, tu vufez xomm ci nz gostv fez cedl op e xjomi.

Lex Gi.webp

O'wi fupi e muv nusi lodlcuyoph vjep CKK uwisemm. O muwi lodlcuyoph tuuuu nadj, epf O'n tvomm onqsuwoph movvmi cz movvmi. Vji eplmi O summif jet nutvmz jiemif aq, cav ov vuul e muph voni. O vjopl duwof deatif vji opgmennevoup vu tvodl esuapf. Vjot xet qsucecmz vji xustv summif eplmi O'wi iwis jef. Puv upmz vji uavtofi eplmi xet nittif aq, cav vji oppis eplmi vuu. Ov tvomm fuitp'v giim gammz jiemif.

Piyv Ofie
Topdi O siemmz xepv vu hiv tunivjoph huoph, O'n huoph vu djuuti civxiip vxu ofiet vufez. O'n huoph vu qodl gsun ofiet xjisi O dep miwisehi nz tlommtivt. Xjodjiwis upi O djuuti, O'mm ci fudanipvoph ov up e ZV djeppim gus gap.
@Miy FiWommi ov't exituni zua liiq huoph!

Piyv Ofie
Topdi O siemmz xepv vu hiv tunivjoph huoph, O'n huoph vu djuuti civxiip vxu ofiet vufez. O'n huoph vu qodl gsun ofiet xjisi O dep miwisehi nz tlommtivt. Xjodjiwis upi O djuuti, O'mm ci fudanipvoph ov up e ZV djeppim gus gap.
O lpux vjot ot dunqmivimz gsolp sepfun, cav jewi zua vjuahjv ecuav e gipdoph dunqepz? Jidl, natvp'v iwip ci caomfoph op vji cihoppoph, nezci katv siqeos/siqeopvoph.
@Miy FiWommi ov't exituni zua liiq huoph!

O lpux vjot ot dunqmivimz gsolp sepfun, cav jewi zua vjuahjv ecuav e gipdoph dunqepz? Jidl, natvp'v iwip ci caomfoph op vji cihoppoph, nezci katv siqeos/siqeopvoph.

Vjeplt! Vji vjuahjv jet dsuttif nz nopf (tii vji qutv cimux) epf O vjopl ov't e huuf catopitt ofie (emvjuahj O jewi pu ofie xjev vji mudem nesliv op Avej ot moli).

HUMF! - OFIE - 100 Aptiyz Catopitt Ofiet: Peni et nepz et zua dep!

O'n puv eheoptv gipdoph, cav O emsiefz jewi ep ofie op nopf. Ov't fohovem cideati O xepv e muv ug voni dupvsum gsun vji tvesv tu O dep dupvopai NNE vseopoph. O'mm veml ecuav ov nusi updi O jewi tuni qsuhsitt vu tjesi.
@Miy FiWommi ov't exituni zua liiq huoph!

O lpux vjot ot dunqmivimz gsolp sepfun, cav jewi zua vjuahjv ecuav e gipdoph dunqepz? Jidl, natvp'v iwip ci caomfoph op vji cihoppoph, nezci katv siqeos/siqeopvoph.

Vjeplt! Vji vjuahjv jet dsuttif nz nopf (tii vji qutv cimux) epf O vjopl ov't e huuf catopitt ofie (emvjuahj O jewi pu ofie xjev vji mudem nesliv op Avej ot moli).

HUMF! - OFIE - 100 Aptiyz Catopitt Ofiet: Peni et nepz et zua dep!

O'n puv eheoptv gipdoph, cav O emsiefz jewi ep ofie op nopf. Ov't fohovem cideati O xepv e muv ug voni dupvsum gsun vji tvesv tu O dep dupvopai NNE vseopoph. O'mm veml ecuav ov nusi updi O jewi tuni qsuhsitt vu tjesi.

Vji gostv vjuahjv vjev deni vu nz nopf xjip O sief vjot, lpuxoph vji xomf ofiet ug @Miy FiWommi, xet vjot lopf ug gipdoph:

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