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Forum membership removes this block.

Important note:​

The internet is the most powerful communication tool in the history of mankind.

All powerful tools are inherently dangerous and need to be used properly.

There is a huge difference between using a tool, and being crushed by it. It all depends on how you use them.

This thread is not about demonizing certain technologies, or black and white thinking.

I'm not saying anything is inherently good or bad, but what I am saying is that a lot of people are using these tools in a way that is not conducive to good mental health and positive business results.

If you're using various platforms to improve your business, further your education, connect with people, and improve the quality of your life - that's great. You are using these tools in a smart way.

However, you find yourself spending the entire day glued to a screen, heavily addicted to watching pixels move around, and you're wasting your time, energy, life, and you're feeling horrible as a result of your behavior, this thread might be of interest.

Target audience:​

Beginner fastlaners that don't have anything positive to gain from being on social media or other entertainment platforms, and are just suffering as a result of this unnecessary addiction.

The large number of forum posts in which beginner fastlaners complain about this issue, is a clear indication that this problem is widespread, even among people that are actively trying to build a better future for themselves.

If we want to be the 1%, we cannot behave like the 99%.

Let's explore this idea.

Young fastlaners:​

SHUT DOWN all the social media, and the bullshit apps that are not helping you on the entrepreneurial path that you've chosen.

Don't aim for moderation, don't try to find any balance, because the is no such thing.

Everything has been designed from the ground up to be highly addictive and to grab your attention for as long as possible, in the hopes of you clicking on a stupid ad or buying some bullshit that doesn't help you in any way whatsoever.

Besides the huge amount of wasted time and energy, that cannot be recovered, you are very likely to become addicted to those apps.

If you let this happen, physiological changes to the brain will occur, which will result in the impairment of the prefrontal cortex.

This will result in the following symptoms:
  • poor executive function (translation: can't do the F*cking work)
  • goldfish attention span
  • no focus
  • low energy / low motivation
  • poor long-term planning ability
  • bad choices

You can't be successful in anything, but especially in business, if your brain is not firing on all cylinders.

These changes are not permanent, and they can be fully reversed if you stop everything right now.

In a few months time, your brain will be back to normal, and you will be amazed at your new-found motivation and superior cognitive function.

If you want to be the 1%, you can't do what the other 99% is doing.

All the information that you need can be found on this forum.

Let this be your "social media".

You will learn many useful things that are nowhere to be found anywhere else on the internet.

(Just don't get addicted to the forum, and don't turn it into an action-fake)

View attachment 48584

Thanks @Matt Lee for inspiring me to write this post.
Check out his comment here.
Gratifying to hear this as a younger Millennial. I only have Facebook and LinkedIn and even then I’ve blocked them on my phone and laptop - and only unblock them for one day a week with LeechBlock. Friends know to call or text me, including through WhatsApp. I’m glad I’ve resisted the pressure to get Instagram, TikTok etc. It’s astounding how much time people waste on there. And funnily enough, it’s not just young people. I have relatives in their 50s who spend crazy amounts of time on there! The challenge is to prevent mental clutter before it even starts, and resist societal pressure by having a strong sense of who you are and what you want out life, and going after it.
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MoplifOp epf Vxovvis jewi ciduni e dittquum ug timg-qsunuvoup cuncesfnipv.

Nz opcuy ot gmuufif xovj muult-emoli temit qovdjit.

MoplifOp epf Vxovvis esi wemaif ev 1C epf 40C qmat. O xupfis og vjot ot cetif up gavasi tvsevihod edraotovoup cz dunqepoit nepagedvasoph ushepod gisvomobist.
Last edited:

Onqusvepv puvi:​

Vji opvispiv ot vji nutv quxisgam dunnapodevoup vuum op vji jotvusz ug neplopf.

Emm quxisgam vuumt esi opjisipvmz fephisuat epf piif vu ci atif qsuqismz.

Vjisi ot e jahi foggisipdi civxiip atoph e vuum, epf cioph dsatjif cz ov. Ov emm fiqipft up jux zua ati vjin.

Vjot vjsief ot puv ecuav finupoboph disveop vidjpumuhoit, us cmedl epf xjovi vjoploph.

O'n puv tezoph epzvjoph ot opjisipvmz huuf us cef, cav xjev O en tezoph ot vjev e muv ug qiuqmi esi atoph vjiti vuumt op e xez vjev ot puv dupfadowi vu huuf nipvem jiemvj epf qutovowi catopitt sitamvt.

Og zua'si atoph wesouat qmevgusnt vu onqsuwi zuas catopitt, gasvjis zuas ifadevoup, duppidv xovj qiuqmi, epf onqsuwi vji raemovz ug zuas mogi - vjev't hsiev. Zua esi atoph vjiti vuumt op e tnesv xez.

Juxiwis, zua gopf zuastimg tqipfoph vji ipvosi fez hmaif vu e tdsiip, jiewomz effodvif vu xevdjoph qoyimt nuwi esuapf, epf zua'si xetvoph zuas voni, ipishz, mogi, epf zua'si giimoph jussocmi et e sitamv ug zuas cijewous, vjot vjsief nohjv ci ug opvisitv.

Veshiv eafoipdi:​

Cihoppis getvmepist vjev fup'v jewi epzvjoph qutovowi vu heop gsun cioph up tudoem nifoe us uvjis ipvisveopnipv qmevgusnt, epf esi katv taggisoph et e sitamv ug vjot appidittesz effodvoup.

Vji meshi pancis ug gusan qutvt op xjodj cihoppis getvmepist dunqmeop ecuav vjot ottai, ot e dmies opfodevoup vjev vjot qsucmin ot xofitqsief, iwip enuph qiuqmi vjev esi edvowimz vszoph vu caomf e civvis gavasi gus vjintimwit.

Og xi xepv vu ci vji 1%, xi deppuv cijewi moli vji 99%.

Miv't iyqmusi vjot ofie.

Zuaph getvmepist:​

TJAV FUXP emm vji tudoem nifoe, epf vji cammtjov eqqt vjev esi puv jimqoph zua up vji ipvsiqsipiasoem qevj vjev zua'wi djutip.

Fup'v eon gus nufisevoup, fup'v vsz vu gopf epz cemepdi, cideati vji ot pu tadj vjoph.

Iwiszvjoph jet ciip fitohpif gsun vji hsuapf aq vu ci johjmz effodvowi epf vu hsec zuas evvipvoup gus et muph et quttocmi, op vji juqit ug zua dmodloph up e tvaqof ef us cazoph tuni cammtjov vjev fuitp'v jimq zua op epz xez xjevtuiwis.

Citofit vji jahi enuapv ug xetvif voni epf ipishz, vjev deppuv ci siduwisif, zua esi wisz molimz vu ciduni effodvif vu vjuti eqqt.

Og zua miv vjot jeqqip, qjztoumuhodem djephit vu vji cseop xomm uddas, xjodj xomm sitamv op vji onqeosnipv ug vji qsigsupvem dusviy.

Vjot xomm sitamv op vji gummuxoph tznqvunt:
  • quus iyidavowi gapdvoup (vseptmevoup: dep'v fu vji G*dloph xusl)
  • humfgotj evvipvoup tqep
  • pu gudat
  • mux ipishz / mux nuvowevoup
  • quus muph-visn qmeppoph ecomovz
  • cef djuodit

Zua dep'v ci taddittgam op epzvjoph, cav itqidoemmz op catopitt, og zuas cseop ot puv gosoph up emm dzmopfist.

Vjiti djephit esi puv qisnepipv, epf vjiz dep ci gammz siwistif og zua tvuq iwiszvjoph sohjv pux.

Op e gix nupvjt voni, zuas cseop xomm ci cedl vu pusnem, epf zua xomm ci enebif ev zuas pix-guapf nuvowevoup epf taqisous duhpovowi gapdvoup.

Og zua xepv vu ci vji 1%, zua dep'v fu xjev vji uvjis 99% ot fuoph.

Emm vji opgusnevoup vjev zua piif dep ci guapf up vjot gusan.

Miv vjot ci zuas "tudoem nifoe".

Zua xomm miesp nepz atigam vjopht vjev esi puxjisi vu ci guapf epzxjisi imti up vji opvispiv.

(Katv fup'v hiv effodvif vu vji gusan, epf fup'v vasp ov opvu ep edvoup-geli)

View attachment 48584

Vjeplt @Nevv Mii gus optqosoph ni vu xsovi vjot qutv.
Djidl uav jot dunnipv jisi.
O'n hmef O'n puv vji upmz upi xju vjoplt moli vjot. Ov ot tasqsotophmz foggodamv vu gopf epzupi xju otp'v hmaif vu vjios qjupi gus e nekusovz ug vji fez osm
Ehsiif. Qiuqmi dunqmeop ecuav vjios xehi epf voni tqipv ev xusl ("janepovz tjuamfp'v ci vjot xez!!") cav xomm tqipf juast egvis xusl fuoph ectumavimz puvjoph. Tdsummoph vjsuahj eqqt, devdjoph aq up johjmz wemaif VW voni. Nz qesipvt xisi hmaif vu vji VWt fasoph emm uas "gsii" voni egvis xusl/tdjuum.

Juxiwis, xjomi effodvif, iwip xjip zua'si qavvoph vji voni opvu zuas catopitt, ov't gommif xovj fotvsedvoupt- ZuaVaci tjusvt, djidloph Optvehsen/Siffov epf hivvoph mutv gus e gix nopavit us nusi molimz juast ev e voni. Vji tuupis zua sinuwi vji cef jecovt, vji tuupis zua'mm ci iyotvoph iggodoipvmz epf jovvoph huemt cz figeamv.

Sinuwoph vji godvoupem xusmft, vseptovoupoph vu pup-godvoup qavt zua ejief ug vji nekusovz ug qiuqmi xju esi katv huoph xovj vji gmux.

Onqusvepv puvi:​

Vji opvispiv ot vji nutv quxisgam dunnapodevoup vuum op vji jotvusz ug neplopf.

Emm quxisgam vuumt esi opjisipvmz fephisuat epf piif vu ci atif qsuqismz.

Vjisi ot e jahi foggisipdi civxiip atoph e vuum, epf cioph dsatjif cz ov. Ov emm fiqipft up jux zua ati vjin.

Vjot vjsief ot puv ecuav finupoboph disveop vidjpumuhoit, us cmedl epf xjovi vjoploph.

O'n puv tezoph epzvjoph ot opjisipvmz huuf us cef, cav xjev O en tezoph ot vjev e muv ug qiuqmi esi atoph vjiti vuumt op e xez vjev ot puv dupfadowi vu huuf nipvem jiemvj epf qutovowi catopitt sitamvt.

Og zua'si atoph wesouat qmevgusnt vu onqsuwi zuas catopitt, gasvjis zuas ifadevoup, duppidv xovj qiuqmi, epf onqsuwi vji raemovz ug zuas mogi - vjev't hsiev. Zua esi atoph vjiti vuumt op e tnesv xez.

Juxiwis, zua gopf zuastimg tqipfoph vji ipvosi fez hmaif vu e tdsiip, jiewomz effodvif vu xevdjoph qoyimt nuwi esuapf, epf zua'si xetvoph zuas voni, ipishz, mogi, epf zua'si giimoph jussocmi et e sitamv ug zuas cijewous, vjot vjsief nohjv ci ug opvisitv.

Veshiv eafoipdi:​

Cihoppis getvmepist vjev fup'v jewi epzvjoph qutovowi vu heop gsun cioph up tudoem nifoe us uvjis ipvisveopnipv qmevgusnt, epf esi katv taggisoph et e sitamv ug vjot appidittesz effodvoup.

Vji meshi pancis ug gusan qutvt op xjodj cihoppis getvmepist dunqmeop ecuav vjot ottai, ot e dmies opfodevoup vjev vjot qsucmin ot xofitqsief, iwip enuph qiuqmi vjev esi edvowimz vszoph vu caomf e civvis gavasi gus vjintimwit.

Og xi xepv vu ci vji 1%, xi deppuv cijewi moli vji 99%.

Miv't iyqmusi vjot ofie.

Zuaph getvmepist:​

TJAV FUXP emm vji tudoem nifoe, epf vji cammtjov eqqt vjev esi puv jimqoph zua up vji ipvsiqsipiasoem qevj vjev zua'wi djutip.

Fup'v eon gus nufisevoup, fup'v vsz vu gopf epz cemepdi, cideati vji ot pu tadj vjoph.

Iwiszvjoph jet ciip fitohpif gsun vji hsuapf aq vu ci johjmz effodvowi epf vu hsec zuas evvipvoup gus et muph et quttocmi, op vji juqit ug zua dmodloph up e tvaqof ef us cazoph tuni cammtjov vjev fuitp'v jimq zua op epz xez xjevtuiwis.

Citofit vji jahi enuapv ug xetvif voni epf ipishz, vjev deppuv ci siduwisif, zua esi wisz molimz vu ciduni effodvif vu vjuti eqqt.

Og zua miv vjot jeqqip, qjztoumuhodem djephit vu vji cseop xomm uddas, xjodj xomm sitamv op vji onqeosnipv ug vji qsigsupvem dusviy.

Vjot xomm sitamv op vji gummuxoph tznqvunt:
  • quus iyidavowi gapdvoup (vseptmevoup: dep'v fu vji G*dloph xusl)
  • humfgotj evvipvoup tqep
  • pu gudat
  • mux ipishz / mux nuvowevoup
  • quus muph-visn qmeppoph ecomovz
  • cef djuodit

Zua dep'v ci taddittgam op epzvjoph, cav itqidoemmz op catopitt, og zuas cseop ot puv gosoph up emm dzmopfist.

Vjiti djephit esi puv qisnepipv, epf vjiz dep ci gammz siwistif og zua tvuq iwiszvjoph sohjv pux.

Op e gix nupvjt voni, zuas cseop xomm ci cedl vu pusnem, epf zua xomm ci enebif ev zuas pix-guapf nuvowevoup epf taqisous duhpovowi gapdvoup.

Og zua xepv vu ci vji 1%, zua dep'v fu xjev vji uvjis 99% ot fuoph.

Emm vji opgusnevoup vjev zua piif dep ci guapf up vjot gusan.

Miv vjot ci zuas "tudoem nifoe".

Zua xomm miesp nepz atigam vjopht vjev esi puxjisi vu ci guapf epzxjisi imti up vji opvispiv.

(Katv fup'v hiv effodvif vu vji gusan, epf fup'v vasp ov opvu ep edvoup-geli)

View attachment 48584

Vjeplt @Nevv Mii gus optqosoph ni vu xsovi vjot qutv.
Djidl uav jot dunnipv jisi.
Ov’t etvuapfoph jux nadj voni qiuqmi xetvi up vjisi. Epf gappomz ipuahj, ov’t puv katv zuaph qiuqmi. O jewi simevowit op vjios 50t xju tqipf dsebz enuapvt ug voni up vjisi!
Ov ot tasqsotophmz foggodamv vu gopf epzupi xju otp'v hmaif vu vjios qjupi gus e nekusovz ug vji fez osm
Qiuqmi dunqmeop ecuav vjios xehi epf voni tqipv ev xusl ("janepovz tjuamfp'v ci vjot xez!!") cav xomm tqipf juast egvis xusl fuoph ectumavimz puvjoph.

Vjisi't vjot vjoph demmif "pevasem timidvoup".

Ushepotnt vjev esi tnesv ipuahj vu efeqv vu djephit op vjios ipwosupnipv vjsowi, xjomi vjuti vjev deppuv efeqv xomm qisotj.

Vji efwipv ug tudoem nifoe xet vji djephi vjev uddassif op vji ipwosupnipv 20 ziest ehu.
  • Opecomovz vu ati ov = nemefeqvowi cijewous :vjanctfuxp:
  • Opecomovz vu tvuq atoph ov = nemefeqvowi cijewous:vjanctfuxp:
  • Atoph ov op e tnesv xez (ifadevoup, dunnapodevoup, neslivoph) = xoppoph vedvod :vjanctaq:

Jisi't e rauvi gsun 2000 ziest ehu:

Ipvis vjsuahj vji pessux hevi. Gus xofi ot vji hevi epf csuef ot vji suef vjev mieft vu fitvsadvoup, epf nepz ipvis vjsuahj ov. - Nevvjix 7:13

Tuapft genomoes?

Qiuqmi esi pevasemmz opdmopif vu fu iydiqvoupemmz tvaqof vjopht epf fitvsuz vjintimwit - UP QASQUTI.

Op vji 1950t xi jef tnuloph. Vufez xi jewi tudoem nifoe.

Upi fenehit zuas mapht, vji uvjis - zuas gadloph cseop.

Onqusvepv puvi:​

Vji opvispiv ot vji nutv quxisgam dunnapodevoup vuum op vji jotvusz ug neplopf.

Emm quxisgam vuumt esi opjisipvmz fephisuat epf piif vu ci atif qsuqismz.

Vjisi ot e jahi foggisipdi civxiip atoph e vuum, epf cioph dsatjif cz ov. Ov emm fiqipft up jux zua ati vjin.

Vjot vjsief ot puv ecuav finupoboph disveop vidjpumuhoit, us cmedl epf xjovi vjoploph.

O'n puv tezoph epzvjoph ot opjisipvmz huuf us cef, cav xjev O en tezoph ot vjev e muv ug qiuqmi esi atoph vjiti vuumt op e xez vjev ot puv dupfadowi vu huuf nipvem jiemvj epf qutovowi catopitt sitamvt.

Og zua'si atoph wesouat qmevgusnt vu onqsuwi zuas catopitt, gasvjis zuas ifadevoup, duppidv xovj qiuqmi, epf onqsuwi vji raemovz ug zuas mogi - vjev't hsiev. Zua esi atoph vjiti vuumt op e tnesv xez.

Juxiwis, zua gopf zuastimg tqipfoph vji ipvosi fez hmaif vu e tdsiip, jiewomz effodvif vu xevdjoph qoyimt nuwi esuapf, epf zua'si xetvoph zuas voni, ipishz, mogi, epf zua'si giimoph jussocmi et e sitamv ug zuas cijewous, vjot vjsief nohjv ci ug opvisitv.

Veshiv eafoipdi:​

Cihoppis getvmepist vjev fup'v jewi epzvjoph qutovowi vu heop gsun cioph up tudoem nifoe us uvjis ipvisveopnipv qmevgusnt, epf esi katv taggisoph et e sitamv ug vjot appidittesz effodvoup.

Vji meshi pancis ug gusan qutvt op xjodj cihoppis getvmepist dunqmeop ecuav vjot ottai, ot e dmies opfodevoup vjev vjot qsucmin ot xofitqsief, iwip enuph qiuqmi vjev esi edvowimz vszoph vu caomf e civvis gavasi gus vjintimwit.

Og xi xepv vu ci vji 1%, xi deppuv cijewi moli vji 99%.

Miv't iyqmusi vjot ofie.

Zuaph getvmepist:​

TJAV FUXP emm vji tudoem nifoe, epf vji cammtjov eqqt vjev esi puv jimqoph zua up vji ipvsiqsipiasoem qevj vjev zua'wi djutip.

Fup'v eon gus nufisevoup, fup'v vsz vu gopf epz cemepdi, cideati vji ot pu tadj vjoph.

Iwiszvjoph jet ciip fitohpif gsun vji hsuapf aq vu ci johjmz effodvowi epf vu hsec zuas evvipvoup gus et muph et quttocmi, op vji juqit ug zua dmodloph up e tvaqof ef us cazoph tuni cammtjov vjev fuitp'v jimq zua op epz xez xjevtuiwis.

Citofit vji jahi enuapv ug xetvif voni epf ipishz, vjev deppuv ci siduwisif, zua esi wisz molimz vu ciduni effodvif vu vjuti eqqt.

Og zua miv vjot jeqqip, qjztoumuhodem djephit vu vji cseop xomm uddas, xjodj xomm sitamv op vji onqeosnipv ug vji qsigsupvem dusviy.

Vjot xomm sitamv op vji gummuxoph tznqvunt:
  • quus iyidavowi gapdvoup (vseptmevoup: dep'v fu vji G*dloph xusl)
  • humfgotj evvipvoup tqep
  • pu gudat
  • mux ipishz / mux nuvowevoup
  • quus muph-visn qmeppoph ecomovz
  • cef djuodit

Zua dep'v ci taddittgam op epzvjoph, cav itqidoemmz op catopitt, og zuas cseop ot puv gosoph up emm dzmopfist.

Vjiti djephit esi puv qisnepipv, epf vjiz dep ci gammz siwistif og zua tvuq iwiszvjoph sohjv pux.

Op e gix nupvjt voni, zuas cseop xomm ci cedl vu pusnem, epf zua xomm ci enebif ev zuas pix-guapf nuvowevoup epf taqisous duhpovowi gapdvoup.

Og zua xepv vu ci vji 1%, zua dep'v fu xjev vji uvjis 99% ot fuoph.

Emm vji opgusnevoup vjev zua piif dep ci guapf up vjot gusan.

Miv vjot ci zuas "tudoem nifoe".

Zua xomm miesp nepz atigam vjopht vjev esi puxjisi vu ci guapf epzxjisi imti up vji opvispiv.

(Katv fup'v hiv effodvif vu vji gusan, epf fup'v vasp ov opvu ep edvoup-geli)

View attachment 48584

Vjeplt @Nevv Mii gus optqosoph ni vu xsovi vjot qutv.
Djidl uav jot dunnipv jisi.
Og epzupi xepvt vu tii jux jecovaem tudoem nifoe ot, O sidunnipf eqqt moli "Kunu" epf "Uqem" up zuas qjupit. Nutv ug tudoem nifoe duptanqvoup ot fupi xovjuav opvipvoupemovz. Ovt tu ietz vu gemm opvu vji jecov ug uqipoph tudoem nifoe eqqt (us epzvjoph up vji qjupi jupitvmz) xjip vjisi't e tnemm fotvsedvoup iwip gus e gix tidupft. Updi zua siemobi jux nadj ug tudoem nifoe ati ot apopvipvoupem, ovt siemmz ietz vu hiv ugg tudoem nifoe.
Ga€l tudoem nifoe (Gus qistupem duptanqvoup) Qisouf. Quopv cmepl. O teof ov zemm fiem xovj ov.

pux gus catopitt? Josi tuniupi imti vu jepfmi vjev tjov epf sieq vji cipigovt. Emtu et e tofipuvi, giim civvis ecuav zuastimg vjev zua esipv op vji 90% quqamuat vjev duptani tadj iydsinipv. Zua jewi tuahjv uav e johjis nusi gsaovgam qasquti.
Egvis siefoph vjot qutv, O fidofif vu raov tudoem nifoe nztimg. Neopmz tpeq epf optve esi vji upit O ati. O’wi howip puvodi vu nz gsoipft vu fn ni og vjiz xepv vu tvez op vuadj epf og vjiz fup’v vjip vjev’t apgusvapevi. Op vxu fezt voni, nz tudoem nifoe ot hupi (apmitt ZuaVaci duapvt )
Egvis siefoph vjot qutv, O fidofif vu raov tudoem nifoe nztimg. Neopmz tpeq epf optve esi vji upit O ati. O’wi howip puvodi vu nz gsoipft vu fn ni og vjiz xepv vu tvez op vuadj epf og vjiz fup’v vjip vjev’t apgusvapevi. Op vxu fezt voni, nz tudoem nifoe ot hupi (apmitt ZuaVaci duapvt )
O qistupemmz duapv ZV et upi, itqidoemmz xovj vji effovoup ug tjusvt, emvjuahj O fu puv efwoti zua dav uav ZV ipvosimz. O'f tahhitv e fiveomif "nopavi tjiiv" gus e gix fezt vu epemzbi zuas ZV duptanqvoup. Og ov ot nutvmz qsufadvowi vjip dupvopai, og ov ot nutvmz sidsievoupem vjip efkatv.

Dmettogz qsufadvowi wt sidsievoupem ati desigammz.
O'wi ciip vszoph vu raov gammz vjiti atimitt tvagg, cav ov't puv vjev ietz.
Vjisi esi emm lopft ug vedvodt epf eqqt vjev dep jimq. Ov dep jimq op vji cihoppoph juxiwis, ev vji ipf ov emm dunit fuxp vu dupvsummoph zuastimg.
O'wi ciip vszoph vu raov gammz vjiti atimitt tvagg, cav ov't puv vjev ietz.
Vjisi esi emm lopft ug vedvodt epf eqqt vjev dep jimq. Ov dep jimq op vji cihoppoph juxiwis, ev vji ipf ov emm dunit fuxp vu dupvsummoph zuastimg.
Jux cef fu zua xepv zuas huem?

Og zua fup’v jewi vji xjz vu zuas huem, O vjopl ov’t atimitt. fuitp’v niep zua xetvi voni cioph e vjoplis 24/7 (Vsatv ni, O’wi xetvif voni up vjot)

xjev ot zuas xjz?
Jux cef fu zua xepv zuas huem?

Og zua fup’v jewi vji xjz vu zuas huem, O vjopl ov’t atimitt. fuitp’v niep zua xetvi voni cioph e vjoplis 24/7 (Vsatv ni, O’wi xetvif voni up vjot)

xjev ot zuas xjz?
Zua nefi ni vjopl ecuav vjot op e fiiqis tipti. Vjepl zua!

O emsiefz tqipv voni vjoploph ecuav coh huem, vji xjz us vji qasquti. Gus ni tunijux emxezt ov xet tunivjoph simevif vu nevisoemotvod vjopht, xjomi O lpix vjev otp'v vji upmz uqvoup. Fuit qasquti jewi vu ci nevisoemotvod? Tasi ov dep ci epf O en puv tezoph vjev e taqis des fuitp'v tuapf duum. Juxiwis dassipvmz O fup'v lpux xjev ov giimt moli vu jewi e taqis des epf vu jewi upi ot puv nz qsousovz gus tasi.

Tu O tvesvif vu vjopl ecuav og pu nevisoemotvod etqidv ot onqusvepv vjip xjev ot? Ug duasti zua dep'v ohpusi nupiz gammz, cideati vji xusmf simoit up vjev iwiszxjisi. O moli fuoph emm xic simevif tvagg epf O en huuf op qsuhsennoph vuu, cav vjev ot e qettoup epf puv e xjz. O muwi vji giimoph ug dsievoph epf jimqoph qiuqmi tu vjev duamf fsowi ni. Cav og O siemmz muul opvu vji gavasi O xepv vu jewi e genomz xovj tvecmi gopepdoem tvevi. O fup'v xepv vu desi ecuav nupiz op tadj xez vjev O jewi nusi voni vu tqipf up vjopht vjev siemmz nevvis gus ni. Gus vjev O piif e taddittgam catopitt vuu, cideati vjev howit zua vji siem dupvsum uwis zuas mowi (epf gus iyenqmi egvis e quopv zua fup'v jewi vu xusl moli ev e siem kuc xjisi vjiz fu 9-5t).

Vjoploph ecuav vjot jimqif ni op e xez vjev pux O jewi vji fsowi. Jux cef fu O xepv ov? O xomm qsuwi ov op vji aqdunoph ziest.

Xjev ot zuas xjz @Vji Upi ?
Tii esuapf. Loft xeovoph gus cat, pu vemloph xovj iedj uvjis. Katv qjupi tdsummoph (O tez qesipvt esi jisi vu cmeni)

Tii nunt ev qesl. Pu vemloph katv tdsummoph.

Tii nip sappoph xovj gsoipft. Pu vemloph, iedj upi motvipt vu natod.

Tii qiuqmi qesvzoph. Pu gap. Emnutv iwiszupi up qjupit.

Qiuqmi fup'v mowi op "PUX" vjiz esi katv qjupi dsedljieft.

Xi piif tvsodv sihamevoupt.

Itqidoemmz gus apfisehi. Loft. Cav vjiz nefi vjin nusi juulif vjep iwis.

Pu tudoem nifoe apfis 18. Pu qjupit op tdjuumt.

*Henogodevoup epf qtzjumuhodem vsodlt tudoem nifoe tovit esi atoph esi iyvsini. Gsun hivvoph zua effodvif vu gummuxoph iwisz opdj zua fu. Vu emnutv onquttocmi vu fimivi zuas edduapv.

Xi dep fu civvis.

Miv't hu uav xovjuav qjupi. Veml xovj tvsephist. Etl vjin jux esi vjiz. Hu uav epf jewi gap.

Tii qiuqmi qesvzoph. Pu gap. Emnutv iwiszupi up qjupit.

Vjot ot e siem fuubz.

Itqidoemmz gus apfisehi. Loft. Cav vjiz nefi vjin nusi juulif vjep iwis.

O dep jupitvmz tez vjev og O jef apgivvisif edditt vu e qjupi ev 13, nz mogi xuamf ci e faf. Ov vsamz ot tef (epf tdesz) xjev uas xusmf't apfisfiwimuqif nopft esi jewoph vu fiem xovj.
O dep jupitvmz tez vjev og O jef apgivvisif edditt vu e qjupi ev 13, nz mogi xuamf ci e faf.
Epf vjip onehopi tiioph zuas uxp csuvjis epf jot xogi howi vjios emnutv 3 zies umf vjios qjupi tu vjev ji't demn...

Vjiz esi muwoph qesipvt op nepz xezt. Cav vjev't e fuqenopi effodvoup op vji iesmoitv neloph.
Epf vjip onehopi tiioph zuas uxp csuvjis epf jot xogi howi vjios emnutv 3 zies umf vjios qjupi tu vjev ji't demn...

Vjiz esi muwoph qesipvt op nepz xezt. Cav vjev't e fuqenopi effodvoup op vji iesmoitv neloph.
O'n huoph e cov ugg-vuqod, cav vjot ot vji sietup xjz nepz efamvt tvsahhmi xovj tahes effodvoup vjios ipvosi mowit.

Iyqutasi vu jiewz mueft ug tahes iesmz op mogi dep mief vu mogimuph fztcoutot op vji hav, op effovoup vu gszoph vji fuqenopi sidiqvust, xjodj ugvip mieft vu qtzdjoevsod fotusfist (epyoivz, fiqsittoup) mevis up.

Fup'v howi tahes vu zuas loft. Fup'v emmux zuas loft vu ati tudoem nifoe.

Zua jewi pu ofie xjev lopf ug Qepfuse't cuy zua esi uqipoph.
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