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  1. alexXx9

    The Art of Crafting a Landing Page That Converts (for techies)

    This is another boilerplate and the market is full of these, literally one of the most saturated market, my suspect is that this is also why it's hard to convert, my advice is to take example from ShipFast
  2. alexXx9

    How to attract users with low purchase b2c offers (ballpark $10/mo)?

    I believe that Alex Hormozi's $100M offer is a fantastic starting point, as is the content from Sabry Suby. I've now changed my approach to business. I want to focus on digital ventures and will no longer build products without first testing their viability. I won't spend weeks, months, or...
  3. alexXx9

    How to attract users with low purchase b2c offers (ballpark $10/mo)?

    You're right, I was thinking about this as well...who owns a DVD player in 2024? I like the family board idea tho
  4. alexXx9

    How to attract users with low purchase b2c offers (ballpark $10/mo)?

    I would first optimize my conversion rate by doing few things: Re-design the website/landing page, as of now, sorry to say this but it sucks... with all the No-Code, Low Code and templates available online now, this thing seems very low effort. The offer is not clear, i don't understand what...
  5. alexXx9

    How to determine if it’s worth continuing to develop my SaaS product?

    You need exposure, send 100000 cold emails, do some advertising on other platforms, split test different ADS to make sure the copy and AD Creative isnt' the problem, then, come back to this post, posting in some facebook group isn't enough IMO.. reach tens of thousands of people and then...
  6. alexXx9

    Basic Financial Intelligence is Fastlane: Some Simple Strategies to Use Now.

    It's always surprising to me how Americans seem to have access to money out of nowhere. In European countries, you'd never be given any sort of credit if you don't have a very stable, full-time income, and more often than not, you'd be rejected anyway! I don't know a single person in my life...
  7. alexXx9

    The Raw Action Approach: Turning a Side-Hustle Success into a SaaS Empire - My TMF-Inspired Journey (From Bricklayer to Digital Entrepreneur)

    Thanks! It's a work in progress, by the way. :) I'm still publishing on Amazon like a madman. I'm working in multiple niches—one in cybersecurity and another in medium-content books, like riddles, puzzles, etc. The key is to find a somewhat unique angle that makes you stand out, even if just a...
  8. alexXx9

    The war against your self esteem

    realizing you have low self-esteem won't fix your problems, the only thing that will change your life is to do the hard things anyway independently of how you feel, then, keep going, with a good decision after good decision, your self-concept will change, but your self concept will change only...
  9. alexXx9

    The Raw Action Approach: Turning a Side-Hustle Success into a SaaS Empire - My TMF-Inspired Journey (From Bricklayer to Digital Entrepreneur)

    Hi, I'll try to keep it short. I've read TMF, and my inspiration to make money was ego-driven. In short, I rarely got laid in my country (Western Europe). Then, at 21, I had a trip to Thailand, and my worldview changed. Women were throwing themselves at me; the validation I got was incredible...
  10. alexXx9

    I Created an Amazing Side Hustle Overseas and Failed

    if you want to work as a dive instructor the best thing you can do is to learn the basic of other languages... Spanish, French, German, that would give you an edge over a lot of people
  11. alexXx9

    Starting and growing my "AI for business" newsletter on Beehiiv

    The only thing i'd say is that the niche is very very saturated, how do you plan to grow this newsletter and find new people?
  12. alexXx9

    The war against your self esteem

    100% agree... Self-esteem is the disposition to experience oneself as being competent to cope with the basic challenges of life and of being worthy of happiness. It is confidence in the efficacy of our mind, in our ability to think. By extension, it is confidence in our ability to learn, make...
  13. alexXx9

    Is Fastlane even 'Fastlane' anymore?

    In 2022, before discovering "The Millionaire Fastlane," I was stuck in a job that left me depressed and resentful towards my life. During this period, I also embarked on a long-distance relationship which incredibly motivated me to start a digital venture, enabling me to be closer to my (now...
  14. alexXx9

    Kyle Keegan Radio Show

    Hey @Kak I'd love to listen some episodes and I am creating a playlist, I am more interested in the fast lane aspect of business, is there any episode in particular that you'd advise me to hear first? I am looking for some entrepreneurial thoughts and lessons more than the political aspect
  15. alexXx9

    Is There Room for Non-Techies in the Fastlane? CENTS Framework seems impossible to satisfy nowadays

    Hey Fastlane Friends, I've got to vent a bit – it feels like if you're not a software developer these days, the opportunities for the average Joe to start a solid business are getting slim. I've been trying to step back from my Amazon business and dive into something that fits the CENTS model...
  16. alexXx9

    ChatGPT Store Opportunities, GPTs, and Discussion

    yeah, we "outsiders" are almost always the ones who will eat the scraps of other, such as Audible on Amazon or Amazon Influencer program...tons of people making money passively and we European can only watch
  17. alexXx9

    Digital Writing is Dead and AI Has Killed It

    with the above message i wanted to reply to this part specifically
  18. alexXx9

    Digital Writing is Dead and AI Has Killed It

    I'm making a living through self-publishing, and I've really thrown myself into it. I completely understand the challenges. In a move out of desperation and because it's one of the online skills I feel confident in, I've set up three different accounts using my family members' details to spread...
  19. alexXx9

    Chasing greatness - My grind

    Sure, not arguing with this, but with his statement: "Yes, I know that a millionaire is about as impressive as an used Toyota" I think the new generations think it is way more common than it really is to be millionaire because of social media BS course creators, private jets etc. The...

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