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  1. G

    The Art of Sales

    Why listen to a random young dude on the internet for sales advice you might ask? Here's why, I've been in sales for the majority of my short career so far, and even though it's been short I've had quite a bit of success. According to "Personal Finance Data" I currently am in the top 99.8th...
  2. The Don

    Zero Conversion on Latest Product

    Hi fellow fastlaner! I’m now on my second attempt of launching a successful business, however the results so far are underwhelming. The business I’ve created is called Herbal Tranquillity and the plan is to create a number of products for babies/toddlers that will alleviate a variety of...
  3. E

    17, profited $60k already, but completely lost in life.

    I'm 17 years old, and throughout the las year or so, I've been hopping around from business to business, side hustle to side hustle, and managed to save up $60k. However, none of these "side hustles" have been scalable, and at my best I made just under 7k in one month. For the last month or two...
  4. Perennial

    Finally taking action - Video Production Company

    So. I posted a while back here on the Insiders forum. In the few posts that followed, I detailed how I wanted to start a SMMA. Just like everybody else :( Anyway, a lot of life events happened that threw a bit of a spanner in the works, but I've recently got back on the horse and I'm taking...
  5. perchboy

    Canada's Home Services Empire

    I decided to go with a home service business because the competition here is a bunch of old chinese men who don't know what PPC stands for. I have a HUGE advantage in this niche because I am of the 1% of home service businesses that knows how to put themselves online. I can totally see myself...
  6. H

    Am I silly for changing careers from Engineering to Sales?!

    Hi all, great to be here, I've recently read fastlane millionaire, which opened my eyes to the mindsets and beliefs I used to have that were flawed.. so I decided to change careers from process engineer to sales engineer. I'm a 24 yr old man that had a good slowlane job with with a good...
  7. Stepan

    How To Get Better

    Hi everybody! I really wanted to learn how to sell, so I got this job at a makeup and perfume store. Already worked there for a week and I got a question. Alex Hormozi said: "a 100 sales will teach you more than a 1000 books on sales". And if you want to improve a skill just do it. But how...
  8. Red ant

    Why Google ads, Facebook ads , SEO , sales funnels are not efficient in creating a productocrasy

    The majority of threads in this forum related to marketing strategies praises push marketing which in my opinion is not reliable for companies starting from ground with little or no funding . - From my consumer of view I hate been harassed by ads . - I rarely pay attention to sponsorised...
  9. T

    E-commerce Business - Trying to Get to the Next Level

    Hi! I’m stuck! Product created and selling. Website up and running and converting visitors into sales Socials all set up - beginning to get some influencer created review content Selling steadily - 10 or so sales a day on a $150 price point product. But, really struggling to take things to...
  10. Raedrum

    Clients hate calling/searching, leverage that by standing before them

    So I've just had a call with a prospect about the creation of her future horse riding website and I directly obtained a appointment with her, despite being in competition with several other webdesigners. It is not the 1st time it happened this way and I will tell you why: Initially she posted...
  11. D

    What do people mean by learning sales?

    I always hear or read from successful entrepreneurs that beginners should learn sales. But I don't really get it, how do I learn sales if I still have nothing to sell and am in the process of learning a monetizable skill? Thanks.
  12. DistressedDenim

    Cold calling for web design clients

    Hello, Has anyone here had any success cold calling for web design clients? I'd like some advice if you have any I'll be cold-calling law firms.
  13. Ayush6543

    I need a virtual phone number to call clients for my service, but I don't have a credit card.

    Hi there, As you know after reading the title, I don't have a credit card, but I want a virtual phone number in the US. I checked out a lot of websites, like phone.com and dialpad.com, but all of them require a credit card to use their service. Do you know any companies that accept PayPal or...
  14. Costa

    People Complain about this, Missing a very Important THING

    Why Selling Knowledge works? Why showing all your secrets is the best marketing to sell infoproducts? Content Creators and people always complain... "Why are you giving this Info for FREE?" or "Don't show all your cards! Sell valuable knowledge" "Show the What and Why, Sell the How" But it...
  15. Andy Black

    You can't invoice for input

    "You can't invoice for input." (Blaise Brosnan) Just because you spent a lot of time making that pizza doesn't mean you can charge for it if you deliver it to the wrong address. Just because you're listening to podcasts, reading books, or taking courses doesn't mean you can invoice anyone...
  16. benjamin_orji

    Must I Have A Success Story To Sell?

    I don't know who I am, help me . I don't have any story to tell anyone. I'm 21, and I'm planning to go into business, but everybody I'm seeing is selling based on their personal story. "My life was like...then I created this product...and wham...problem solved". MJ even mentioned something...
  17. J

    Hi, I am a new subscriber.

    Just wanted to introduce myself: I am a door to door sales manager for fiber optic internet services. I hope to meet like minded individuals here to grow, learn, and possibly help others. I'm excited to meet new people and be an integral part of this forum. I look forward to meeting you. Thank...
  18. cornishpasty

    A Couple of Points on Cold Calling

    I got a job in sales 2 years ago, and have made approximately 150 cold calls per day since then. I'm by no means a master, and there's always room for improvement, but I'm pretty well versed in the art and I feel confident in my abilities (for context, I finished top of my team for new business...
  19. Mr.Maverick

    Get Out Of The Idea Phase And Start Selling Something Valuable.

    Intro Hey everyone, this is going to be my first real post in the forum. Coming from the slow-lane, reading TMF was such an eye opener that I felt like I had to shift my mindset dramatically just to get moving. I hope this helps some of you get inspired and moving again. Back story I...
  20. EngineerThis

    First time hiring sales reps, help!


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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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